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ModERN Project Launch – Workshop on Enlightenment Authorships

The ModERN project organised a day-long international workshop on the subject of ‘Enlightenment Authorships’ at the Tour Zamansky of Sorbonne University May 19 2023. See Dario Nicolosi’s post on the event on the Voltaire Foundation Blog.

ERC Project Launch: Workshop on Enlightenment Authorships
May 19 2023 – Tour Zamansky, salle 2400, Sorbonne Université


09h00-09h30:    Welcome remarks and coffee
09h30-10h15:    Nicholas Cronk: ‘What is an Author?’
10h15-11h00:    Nathalie Ferrand: ‘Une auctorialité d’écriture : la main de Rousseau dans ses manuscrits’
11h00-11h30:    Coffee break
11h30-12h15:    Élisabeth Décultot: ‘L’originalité par la copie? Winckelmann auteur’
12h15-13h00:    Pierre Frantz: ‘Auteur au théâtre (de Voltaire à Chénier)’
13h00-14h00:    Lunch
14h00-15h30:    The ModERN Project: Glenn Roe, Dario Nicolosi, Valentina Fedchenko
   Coffee break
16h00-17h30: Roundtable discussion: Digital Humanities and Enlightenment Studies Clovis Gladstone, Laurence Macé, Gemma Tidman, Oliver Ritz

Invited Participants:

Logan Connors (University of Miami)
Nicholas Cronk (Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford)
Élisabeth Décultot (Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg)
Nathalie Ferrand (ENS/CNRS, ITEM)
Pierre Frantz (Sorbonne Université)
Clovis Gladstone (ARTFL, University of Chicago)
Roman Kuhn (Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford)
Laurence Macé (Université de Rouen)
Jenny Mander (University of Cambridge)
Sophie Marchand (Sorbonne Université)
Christophe Martin (Sorbonne Université)
Alicia Montoya (Radboud University)
Robert Morrissey (University of Chicago)
Ourida Mostefai (Brown University)
Pierre Musitelli (ENS-PSL)
Gillian Pink (Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford)
Olivier Ritz (Université Paris Cité)
Céline Spector (Sorbonne Université)
Gemma Tidman (Queen Mary University of London)
Tom Wynn (Durham University)
Virginie Yvernault (Sorbonne Université)

Programme pamphlet